Person behind the Artwork

Around 2010, it struck me - This is it! Art is what gives me complete 'Peace of Mind'. It is like meditation for me. I used to often 'steal' time from routine life to create artworks in different mediums, oil, soft pastels, watercolors and my recent favourite - Polychromos Pencil Colors!
After spending 10+ years painting, I have now gained confidence to put up my work online. Hope you like viewing the collections as much as I enjoyed creating them!
At many places on the website, you will find the word 'Us', however, its a one woman show so all responses and communications are personally done by me. Please bear with me for delays, if any.
If you have any queries about the work or the website, please feel free to email me!​
- Astha
Art is Infinite!
Since childhood I have loved to paint. I started with the iconic "house, sun and mountain" drawings, filling them up with bright yellow, blue and red (another reason why they should be called the 'primary colors' ;)). As years went by, experiments with different mediums, subjects and materials went on. Each stroke had a different feel to it, each color had a different sense to it and each subject carried a different weight of its own. The more I drew, the more sure I became - Art is Infinite.

This said, I often try to compartmentalise different artworks that I create, in my mind. Some based on the subjects, some based on the sizes and some based on the mediums may be. What could be a better place to hold these pieces together than a piece of art itself. So here is an attempt to hold something thats infinite, in the imaginary Chest that has innumerable drawers to hold art from different walks of life!